Menj Kena Tangkap? Menj Pedo? Amazing Cina Babi!

There is this group of idiotic people who call themselves lowyat hnggghhh /k at Kopitiam LYN Forum who are obsessed with the idea of menj kena tangkap. The only reason for their vitriol and vendetta towards menj lowyat is simply because menj pedo have exposed these pukimak anak haram jadah for their lies, racism, xenophobia and their hatred towards Islam and the Muslims in general.

There is this group of idi­ot­ic peo­ple who call them­selves lowy­at hngggh­hh /k at Kopi­ti­am LYN Forum who are obsessed with the idea of menj kena tangkap. The only rea­son for their vit­ri­ol and vendet­ta towards menj lowy­at is sim­ply because menj pedo have exposed these puki­mak anak haram jadah for their lies, racism, xeno­pho­bia and their hatred towards Islam and the Mus­lims in gen­er­al.

menj lowy­at has exposed these puki­mak anak haram jadah for their lies, racism, xeno­pho­bia and their hatred towards Islam and the Mus­lims in gen­er­al.

They con­sist of fucked up racists, which I sus­pect are Cinapek tak potong kulup. You know, the kind of Cin­abeng shit­heads who think that speak­ing ching chong makes them more supe­ri­or than the rest of the world. That is the kind of men­tal peo­ple who boast about their “5000 years of cul­ture”. You can stuff your cul­ture up to a place where the sun does not shine, you Cina babi.

Menj Kena Tangkap? Menj Pedo? Amazing Cina Babi!

Added to this mix are the lib­er­al Malays with the kind of think­ing that Islam is infe­ri­or and that they should kow­tow to Chi­nese, not to men­tion their paria kel­ing hitam friends tak­en along for the ride…and voila, you have a won­der­ful pack­age of racists right up your alley. These Malays are kafirs and mur­tads, and some­one should take a knife and slit their throat raw while watch­ing them suf­fer.

Menj Pedo? Pukimak Kau!

So it should not be sur­pris­ing that when news of menj kena tangkap appeared, these moron­ic lowy­at hngggh­hh fools and sons of dogs and pigs on the lowy­at hngggh­hh were cel­e­brat­ing and par­ty­ing over the news that menj kena tangkap.

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These moron­ic lowy­at hngggh­hh fools and sons of dogs and pigs on the lowy­at hngggh­hh were cel­e­brat­ing and par­ty­ing over the news that menj kena tangkap. These moron­ic son of dogs and pigs were so hap­py that they were pat­ting them­selves on the back and were clear­ly hap­py and enjoy­ing them­selves, now that they believe that menj lowy­at has been canned for good.

Need­less to men­tion, like the face­less cow­ards that these /k anjing puki­mak are, they call menj lowy­at hngggh­hh with all sorts of names and dis­gust­ing fit­na sto­ries, know­ing full well that SEO expert Malaysia will not be able to answer them direct­ly as menj lowy­at mem­ber.

Menj Kena Tangkap? Musibat Kau!

These lowy­at hngggh­hh peo­ple make all sorts of sil­ly assump­tions rang­ing from mak­ing claims about menj pedo that I am sep­a­rat­ed from my wife (I am not), that my son suf­fers from autism (he does not) to sto­ries about me “debat­ing” Chris­t­ian Prince and that I hacked their sil­ly lowy­at forum, when I nev­er did either in the first place.

Their sole pur­pose of exis­tence is to back­bite oth­ers and to make fun of any­one else apart from them­selves in an obscure, stu­pid Malaysian forum far from the world.

But these peo­ple do not seem to have a real job or a life; their sole pur­pose of exis­tence is to back­bite oth­ers and to make fun of any­one else apart from them­selves in an obscure, stu­pid Malaysian forum far from the world and liv­ing in their own bub­ble world of igno­rance and self-pro­claimed supe­ri­or­i­ty.

Now here’s the 411 for these face­less lowy­at hngggh­hh dogs from menj pedo him­self: you are all worth­less trash, stu­pid back­biters, and not worth my time at all. You are all pyg­mies try­ing to fell down a giant. Good luck with your menj kena tangkap endeav­ors because it has not worked and it will nev­er work. What makes you think that you idiots can out­rank me for key­words? I have been an SEO Spe­cial­ist Malaysia for 20 years, I know how to out­gun and out­rank your idi­ot­ic lowy­at hngggh­hh forum posts online.

Try bet­ter next time, okay?