SEO Skills Resume

Hav­ing the nec­es­sary SEO skills is very impor­tant for me as an SEO Spe­cial­ist. I work almost all of the time with Word­Press and have basic knowl­edge of HTML & CSS. This is impor­tant because I need to imple­ment tech­ni­cal SEO fix­es and help opti­mise a web­page.

In addi­tion to my strong key­words research expe­ri­ence (due to my near-native com­mand of Eng­lish and Bahasa Melayu), I am also able to per­form on-page opti­mi­sa­tion for your web­page. I am also very famil­iar with off-page opti­miza­tion and have the abil­i­ty to pro­cure or cre­ate back­links to your web­site or web­page in order to “boost” the sig­nal to Google that your site has a high­er author­i­ty than your com­peti­tors.

SEO Skills Courses

Some online SEO cours­es which I took in order to reaf­firm and cer­ti­fy my innate SEO knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence:

mohd elfie nieshaem juferi seo specialist malaysia seo fundamentals course semrush seo skills resume
SEM­Rush Acad­e­my
mohd elfie nieshaem juferi seo specialist malaysia seo academy certificate reliablesoft seo skills resume
Reli­able­soft SEO Acad­e­my
mohd elfie nieshaem juferi seo specialist malaysia udemy seo bootcamp certificate seo skills resume
Ude­my SEO Boot­camp
mohd elfie nieshaem juferi Google Analytics for Beginners certificate seo skills resume
Google Ana­lyt­ics Acad­e­my

For any inquires regard­ing Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi (MENJ) and his SEO skills & ser­vices, do con­tact Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi via the web form pro­vid­ed.