MohdElfieNieshaemJuferi Social Media Profiles

As an SEO Specialist, it is important that MohdElfieNieshaemJuferi stamps his mark on the World Wide Web and hence the easiest and cheapest way to do it is via his presence on social media platforms.

Here are a list of social media or inter­net pro­files on the World Wide Web which MohdElfie­NieshaemJuferi have been using over the last two decades or so. As an SEO Spe­cial­ist, it is impor­tant that MohdElfie­NieshaemJuferi stamps his mark on the World Wide Web and hence the eas­i­est and cheap­est way to do it is via his pres­ence on social media plat­forms. The list is by all means not exhaus­tive; it will be con­stant­ly updat­ed from time to time and when­ev­er he feels like it.

Do note that some of them are no longer active­ly in use, but they are linked here any­way to estab­lish MohdElfie­NieshaemJuferi and his strong pres­ence on the inter­webs; not to men­tion stamp­ing his dom­i­nance on the SERPs.

Plus, I need­ed to keep my side­bar menu clean and crisp any­way. I might just as well do it this way. is a for-prof­it open repos­i­to­ry of aca­d­e­m­ic arti­cles free to read by vis­i­tors. The upload­ing and down­load­ing of arti­cle jour­nals is restrict­ed to only reg­is­tered users. There are some addi­tion­al fea­tures which are acces­si­ble as a paid sub­scrip­tion for users.


Future­Learn is a dig­i­tal edu­ca­tion plat­form where users can take up short-term cours­es in var­i­ous dis­ci­plines. Future­Learn’s cours­es span a broad range of top­ics. Stu­dents are giv­en cer­tifi­cates at the end of each course, and a paid sub­scrip­tion are for stu­dents who wish to con­tin­ue fur­ther in their dis­ci­pline of choice.


Goodreads is a social cat­a­loging web­site that allows indi­vid­u­als to search its data­base of books, anno­ta­tions, quotes, and reviews. Users can sign up and reg­is­ter books to gen­er­ate library cat­a­logs and read­ing lists. They can also cre­ate their own groups of book sug­ges­tions, sur­veys, polls, blogs, and dis­cus­sions.


Issuu is an elec­tron­ic pub­lish­ing plat­form which con­verts PDFs into dig­i­tal pub­li­ca­tions that can be shared via links or embed­ded into web­sites. Users can edit their pub­li­ca­tions by cus­tomiz­ing the design, using tem­plates, or adding links and mul­ti­me­dia to the pages of their doc­u­ments.


Pex­els is a provider of stock pho­tog­ra­phy and stock footage. It main­tains a library with over 3.2 mil­lion free stock pho­tos and videos.


Pix­abay is a free stock pho­tog­ra­phy and roy­al­ty-free stock media web­site. It is used for shar­ing pho­tos, illus­tra­tions, vec­tor graph­ics, film footage, and music, exclu­sive­ly under the cus­tom Pix­abay license, which gen­er­al­ly allows the free use of the mate­r­i­al with some restric­tions.

Pusat Karyawan DBP

Pusat Karyawan DBP is a sec­tion in the online resource Pusat Rujukan Per­suratan Melayu owned and man­aged by Dewan Bahasa dan Pus­ta­ka which con­tains a repos­i­to­ry of var­i­ous works in Malay lit­er­a­ture which were pub­lished in main­stream mag­a­zines and news­pa­pers, includ­ing those owned by DBP, along with their author infor­ma­tion.


Quo­ra is a social ques­tion-and-answer web­site. Users can col­lab­o­rate by edit­ing ques­tions and com­ment­ing on answers that have been sub­mit­ted by oth­er users.


Shut­ter­stock is a paid sub­scrip­tion ser­vice provider of stock pho­tog­ra­phy, stock footage, stock music, and edit­ing tools. Shut­ter­stock main­tains a library of around 200 mil­lion roy­al­ty-free stock pho­tos, vec­tor graph­ics, and illus­tra­tions, with around 10 mil­lion video clips and music tracks avail­able for licens­ing.

Steam Community

Steam is a video game dig­i­tal dis­tri­b­u­tion ser­vice and store­front owned by Valve. Orig­i­nal­ly it was launched as a soft­ware client in 2003 as a way for Valve to pro­vide auto­mat­ic updates for their games, how­ev­er it expand­ed to dis­trib­ut­ing and offer­ing third-par­ty game pub­lish­ers’ titles in late 2005.


Word­Press is a web soft­ware which has become the most wide­ly-used con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem (CMS) in the world and is used for set­ting up blogs, web­sites, e‑commerce plat­forms and almost any­thing else under the sun. It is open source, licensed under the GPL, and is writ­ten in PHP.

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