Here are a list of social media or internet profiles on the World Wide Web which MohdElfieNieshaemJuferi have been using over the last two decades or so. As an SEO Specialist, it is important that MohdElfieNieshaemJuferi stamps his mark on the World Wide Web and hence the easiest and cheapest way to do it is via his presence on social media platforms. The list is by all means not exhaustive; it will be constantly updated from time to time and whenever he feels like it.
Do note that some of them are no longer actively in use, but they are linked here anyway to establish MohdElfieNieshaemJuferi and his strong presence on the interwebs; not to mention stamping his dominance on the SERPs.
Plus, I needed to keep my sidebar menu clean and crisp anyway. I might just as well do it this way. is a for-profit open repository of academic articles free to read by visitors. The uploading and downloading of article journals is restricted to only registered users. There are some additional features which are accessible as a paid subscription for users.
- Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi on
FutureLearn is a digital education platform where users can take up short-term courses in various disciplines. FutureLearn’s courses span a broad range of topics. Students are given certificates at the end of each course, and a paid subscription are for students who wish to continue further in their discipline of choice.
- Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi on FutureLearn
Goodreads is a social cataloging website that allows individuals to search its database of books, annotations, quotes, and reviews. Users can sign up and register books to generate library catalogs and reading lists. They can also create their own groups of book suggestions, surveys, polls, blogs, and discussions.
- Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi on Goodreads
Issuu is an electronic publishing platform which converts PDFs into digital publications that can be shared via links or embedded into websites. Users can edit their publications by customizing the design, using templates, or adding links and multimedia to the pages of their documents.
- Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi on Issuu
Pexels is a provider of stock photography and stock footage. It maintains a library with over 3.2 million free stock photos and videos.
- Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi on Pexels
Pixabay is a free stock photography and royalty-free stock media website. It is used for sharing photos, illustrations, vector graphics, film footage, and music, exclusively under the custom Pixabay license, which generally allows the free use of the material with some restrictions.
- menj on Pixabay
Pusat Karyawan DBP
Pusat Karyawan DBP is a section in the online resource Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu owned and managed by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka which contains a repository of various works in Malay literature which were published in mainstream magazines and newspapers, including those owned by DBP, along with their author information.
- Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi at Pusat Karyawan Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka
Quora is a social question-and-answer website. Users can collaborate by editing questions and commenting on answers that have been submitted by other users.
- Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi on Quora
Shutterstock is a paid subscription service provider of stock photography, stock footage, stock music, and editing tools. Shutterstock maintains a library of around 200 million royalty-free stock photos, vector graphics, and illustrations, with around 10 million video clips and music tracks available for licensing.
- Mohd Elfie Nieshaem on Shutterstock
Steam Community
Steam is a video game digital distribution service and storefront owned by Valve. Originally it was launched as a software client in 2003 as a way for Valve to provide automatic updates for their games, however it expanded to distributing and offering third-party game publishers’ titles in late 2005.
- MohdElfieNieshaemJuferi on Steam
WordPress is a web software which has become the most widely-used content management system (CMS) in the world and is used for setting up blogs, websites, e‑commerce platforms and almost anything else under the sun. It is open source, licensed under the GPL, and is written in PHP.
- menj on WordPress
WordPress Support
- menj on WordPress Support